Osx 10.6.8 software update cannot connect to internet
Osx 10.6.8 software update cannot connect to internet

osx 10.6.8 software update cannot connect to internet

There isn't much to see here I am using DHCP, so my network is automatically configured for me. If that's the case, then the DNS should be automatically set up for you, but this may not the working (some routers fail to provide this info or provide old info). You should be in a page that has multiple tabs, so let's see the important ones: Now tap on Network (I believe Snow Leopard was the same). Note: the shots come from Lion (10.7.4), so you may see some differences In any case, start by going to System Preferences and typing DNS in the top right corner: Skype may work because it relies less on DNS and instead uses its own discovery protocol, or the entries that Skype requires may be saved from previous sessions. If you can connect to Skype that means you have connectivity, but your computer is unable to perform name resolution (that is, convert the address of a service -like a webpage- to an ip address).

osx 10.6.8 software update cannot connect to internet

This is going to be a starting point answer, hopefully you can find something strange while comparing the shots and fix the problem.

Osx 10.6.8 software update cannot connect to internet